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Showing posts from 2017

Let's Go Mexico! 2

Fortunately,my Let's go mexico was selected for this year's 55th Toyota Citizens Art Exhibition.

Let's Go Mexico!

What l can do is limited.But I hope sincerely that the disaser region will be back to normal as soon as possible.

Crystal Beach

Crystal beach, located in Fukui prefecture and face to Sea of Japan. I just visited there and surf one time.  In my memory, it is very beautiful and peaceful  beach! Actually, Posted illustration is very small.This is only postcard size.I will entry the postcard contest with this.Good luck!

99 Beach

I went on a surf-trip to kujuukurihama with my best friends in the last weekend of summer vacation. There were prenty and pretty waves.

Jogasaki Coast

Jogasaki Coast,How beautiful this sight is! And the suspension bridge is little scaring!

Loko Beach

Loko-beach,major surfing point that represents Irago sandy coast.Left waves are so nice.

Aakabane Longbeach

Aakabane Longbeach is located in the Atsumi Peninsula. Not only the nice scenery, but also the wave(Left-hander) is good!!


Karuizawa,If you have a plan to go on a trip to there,l recommend the St.PauI's catholic church.


Tanegashima,we take-off towards the H2-Rocket.

Pug with Sun-flower

My elder sister's new family, name is Nana.

2nd Hometown

I have been living in AICHI for 20 years.


What a beautiful flower this is!


Yugawara Beach

Yugawara Beach is one of my favorite surfing points.


I visited Yokohama sankeien garden with my family at the begining of this year. We can feel japanese old architecture in this place.


A cactus gives us inner peace.




BasketBall 観戦

2月の末にかわいい姪っ子のバスケットボールの試合を観に行きましたぁ~ 格好良かった!


Trattoria☆Ravizzoneというイタリアンに行って来ました。 ラザニアが美味しかった~ 実はここのシェフ、中学&高校の後輩なんです。 半年前に、20年ぶりに再会して感激!!

Blog Start

2/19に愛知県の豊田市の市民ギャラリーで個展を開きました。 出展した作品をGalleryにアップしましたぁ~